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Thursday, March 18, 2010

Day after the hangover!

So I am pretty sure I am one of the only people in the state of Utah that didn't wake up with a hangover this morning! As I was out and about today everyone I encountered looked a little glazed over and partially hammered lol I did also notice there were a few less joggers and speed walkers out this morning, home sleeping it off I assume.

I have been enjoying my media ban for the most part, it's kind of nice living in a bubble! However there is a downside to not tuning in to the news or catching up on online gossip... Other people still do, and still feel the need to share... Everything from racy texts released by a porn star, to tattoo models talking about "5 weeks of sex"... Oh my! Gossip mongering has even spilled into the neighborhood, with the locals talking about the trashy 80's style trailer park reject the neighbor is dating. *Gag* I haven't seen her, but the descriptions of her are priceless! Happy to announce the ban on my least favorite media whore is sticking though!

Back to my bubble now :)

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