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Saturday, May 15, 2010


So... I should have stayed home to deal with box city...

But I decided to soak in this instead!

Thank you Ken and Elly for letting me live in your pool for the day!


Pjamms said...

Holy cardboard! You could build a fort...or twelve!

When I moved out here, Becka came to help and we crammed everything into my Corolla. Driving through the Cascade Range was ever so much fun in a tiny car packed full of crap. Now I have a Yaris, which is even tinier, so if I ever move again I am totally screwed.

So happy you made it! YAY! You're FREE! WOOHOO! :)

Once you're settled, go to the supermarket and buy a bottle of booze. In my opinion, there is no better feeling in the world knowing it's just THERE for WHENEVER you want it.

Yay for you! :)

Wight Family said...

EXCELLENT choice for the day!