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Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Woot for the Giants!

Last night we went to The Stand for dollar dogs, beer, and baseball (and of course their sweet potato fries!)...

Being Giants fans, we have been going crazy this season, so it's no surprise we were pretty much over the moon last night when they won! And it was pretty awesome being in such a great place watching the game, everyone there went nuts when the Giants brought home the championship! And go Beard of Zeus!!! What a great closer!

Now that the season is over, do ya think Wilson will be shaving that dead animal off his face any time soon?! ;)

When we got home after celebrating, there was a full on cop stand off/drug bust next door... A little ironic since the place is a drug rehab center lol... We like to think the dude was an angry Ranger's fan!

Yep, that's the suspect hangin' out in back of the second car lol... I love LA... And San Fran too!!! Woot for the Giants! It's about time!!!!

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