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Friday, November 7, 2008

Car Wrecks and Randomness

Tonight I saw the most attrocious of attrocious car wrecks. 5 cars total, 3 life flight helicopters, 2 fire trucks, 5 ambulances, 6 Sheriff's Officers, 4 SOPD, a big black SUV with flashing lights and 5 tow trucks. This accident no joke shut down 89 at Skyline for an hour and a half, and when you're like me, and your commute home is less than 5 minutes, being stuck in traffic within a stones throw of your house for 40 minutes is maddening. I am pretty sure that everyone survived the accident, but I am like 100% positive that every car involved will never be driveable again. As bad as you feel about an accident like that, you can't help but wonder who caused it, what were they doing that made them cause it, and why couldn't they use just a little common sense and pay attention. Granted not all accidents fall into these categories of why, but I am willing to bet that 70% of all accidents are caused by people not doing what they are supposed to be doing. Here's a good example of this, yesterday, while driving into town, I happened to look into the rear view mirror in my car and see a woman in a jeep talking on the phone, messing with some papers, and eating what looked like a burger (I cannot be sure that it was a burger, I didn't really get a good look). It was insane, but it made me wonder how many accidents she had been in while "multi tasking". The greater powers that allow us to drive do not ask much of us, wear your seat belt, obey the traffic laws, be courteous, pay attention, and please keep in mind that running over the blue haired lady and her dog will not win you 300 points. These are all things that we are capable of doing, so hang up the cell phone and pay attention to the road. With an economy like this we can't really afford to wreck.

Thursday, November 6, 2008

Garbage Night and Quails

It is yet another borring day in the life of Kiki... Sad to report that there is nothing new past the fact that is it garbage night, such is the madcap life I lead. I wish I had something more interesting like jogging with a rabid fox clamped onto my arm, although the odds of that happening here are pretty slim, I think I have better chances at getting attacked by a rabid pack of quails. Although quails can be pretty mean when provoked, believe me, I know, I was once trapped in my kitchen with one. It was not a pretty sight. Speaking of quails, have you ever noticed that they wait until a car is comming before they cross the road, and they don't cross together, they cross one at a time in some retarded mad dash, and sometimes it is not even a mad dash, sometimes they walk slowly, because they just assume that when you're going 60mph your car will just stop on a dime. For the record, my car does not stop on a dime... Draw your own conclusions.

Wednesday, November 5, 2008


Why is it that the most mundane and annoying of chores is something that we can't really go without doing (unless you want to smell like a possum that died and was stashed in a gym bag for three weeks)? I am talking about laundry, and yes, tonight my life really is that borring!

Another why...

Why is it that every staunch Republican I know has suddenly changed their tune today and have put aside all the animosity and declared "I have always supported him, and I am excited to be a part of this historic election."? Makes no sense, yesterday you were ready to fire bomb his ass, why all of a sudden are you so warm and fuzzy?

Another why...

Here's another good one... Obama said "God bless you all and God bless America" at the end of his speech last night. Now people are all bent out of shape because he infringed on separating church and state. Are you retarded? How is that infringing on anything?

Another why...

Why does it say "May cause drowsiness, do not operate heavy machinery while uing this medication" on the side of children's cold medicine? When was the last time you saw a toddler driving a fork lift?

Another why...

Why does decorative food come with a disclaimer that says "Do not consume"? It's made out of resin, if you can actually sink your teeth into it you deserve to be poisoned.

Another why...

Why do dog owners insist that their pets look like them? Unless you are sprouting fur at the onset of a full moon that drooling fur ball that drinks out of your toilet does not look like you.

Ok, I think that is it for now, I was just bored and in the mood for a small rant!

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

The World Did Not End...

So I am watching McCain admit defeat live on MSNBC, I have yet to hear sirens, explosions, or screaming (with the exception of the whiney bitch who lives next door). Maybe the world isn't going to implode after all! Kudos to McCain on a decent exit speech, if there is a God, Palin will disappear into the dark wilderness of Alaska... I am hoping somewhere in there a moose will get its revenge.

Congratulations to Obama for making history! The next four years should be interesting.

Election Day!

Yep, it's finally here... I think I am going to stay quiet and watch for a while... Just in case our country implodes!