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Friday, November 7, 2008

Car Wrecks and Randomness

Tonight I saw the most attrocious of attrocious car wrecks. 5 cars total, 3 life flight helicopters, 2 fire trucks, 5 ambulances, 6 Sheriff's Officers, 4 SOPD, a big black SUV with flashing lights and 5 tow trucks. This accident no joke shut down 89 at Skyline for an hour and a half, and when you're like me, and your commute home is less than 5 minutes, being stuck in traffic within a stones throw of your house for 40 minutes is maddening. I am pretty sure that everyone survived the accident, but I am like 100% positive that every car involved will never be driveable again. As bad as you feel about an accident like that, you can't help but wonder who caused it, what were they doing that made them cause it, and why couldn't they use just a little common sense and pay attention. Granted not all accidents fall into these categories of why, but I am willing to bet that 70% of all accidents are caused by people not doing what they are supposed to be doing. Here's a good example of this, yesterday, while driving into town, I happened to look into the rear view mirror in my car and see a woman in a jeep talking on the phone, messing with some papers, and eating what looked like a burger (I cannot be sure that it was a burger, I didn't really get a good look). It was insane, but it made me wonder how many accidents she had been in while "multi tasking". The greater powers that allow us to drive do not ask much of us, wear your seat belt, obey the traffic laws, be courteous, pay attention, and please keep in mind that running over the blue haired lady and her dog will not win you 300 points. These are all things that we are capable of doing, so hang up the cell phone and pay attention to the road. With an economy like this we can't really afford to wreck.


Anonymous said...

My last accident was because I got distracted by the serene, tranquilizing effect of jellyfish. Bizarre, I know...

Kiki and Ryan said...

Oh, you're a douchebag!