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Friday, January 11, 2013

Leftover Extravaganza!

Tonight's left over extravaganza is brought to you by the potatoes that weren't purple in the variety bags purchased for December's Recipe Challenge! I bought 5 bags, so we will be putting them in everything!

Being from Utah, one of my favorite brands is Plentiful Pantry (Be sure to check out their website by clicking Here!).

Ryan has always been of the opinion that soup is just "flavored water", I on the other hand LOVE soup! The wonderful thing about Plentiful Pantry's mixes is you can take something that someone with a pickier palette would call "flavored water" and turn it into a meal (sometimes multiple meals) to die for!

On Sunday I made a package of their Cheesy Enchilada Soup, my way!

Just looking at the package makes me drool ;)

Take one box of soup mix and cook per package directions, add one 12oz can of chicken, 1 can of corn, 1 cup (or more if you want the soup to be a little heartier) long grain rice, 2 dashes BBQ rib rub, garlic powder, Old Bay Seasoning (because that stuff is awesome on anything!), a small scoop of chopped green chiles and a few dashes of Melinda's Habanero hot sauce. You will also need to add extra water for the rice, but add it after everything has cooked and the rice has soaked up some of the mix.

So yummy and no longer just "Flavored Water"! I am pretty sure this is the only soup Ryan would go spoons up for!

Now time for awesome leftover fun! Monday night I took some of the soup and mixed it with some low fat plain greek yogurt and cheese. Voila! Awesome Enchilada Dip! Serve with warm tortilla chips and you definitely have a crowd pleaser!

Tuesday night I took 6 of the small potatoes (3 gold and 3 red), boiled them, diced them up and split them into to bowls. I then topped the potatoes with left over turkey sausage, the soup mix and then sprinkled with some shredded cheese.

And this is what I came up with...

Mmmmm! So good!! Ryan gave this two forks up (and by two forks I mean he polished off his bowl and finished mine lol)!

So yep, there's my super yummy leftover extravaganza update! Hope it gives you some ideas for an equally yummy kitchen miracle of your own!

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